Going through a rough time in my life has brought me to a realization that the pain of uncertainty is far greater than any physical or emotional pain.
Take the case of physical pain, there are pain killers or actual treatments in either eradicating or lessening the pain. You face the pain then treat it. Then, its gone. Wounds in the body are treated to heal.
Emotional pain on the other hand is also, I believe, manageable. We grieve and feel the pain, then rationalise about it then eventually move on. The memory lives but the pain subsides.
Unlike the pain of uncertainty, it lingers.
Like a child who asks for a toy, saying "NO" to a child may be painful but sometimes, we resort to saying" LET'S SEE..." which is neither a yes nor a no. It gives hope with the possibility of disappointment. While the child continues to wait for the final decision, that child goes through what I believe to be the pain of uncertainty. I guess, the only thing we should consider then is to minimize the state of being in "limbo"
At the moment, my medical condition leads me to uncertainty. From a very physically active athlete, I have been sidelined for a week and it remains to be uncertain if my condition improves and I can go back to sports or not. This brings me tremendous pain.
The only important thing is that we hang on to the uncertainty itself as that gives us hope that one day, things will turn out for the better. Moreover, cherish all your blessings...your family, friends, and loved ones who have been part of your life.
Sometimes, we need to face a roadblock only to slow down to be able to smell the flowers around you. Living in a fast world limits our capability to appreciate our surroundings.
Perhaps, this roadblock I am facing is of a greater magnitude that I ever imagined it to be and I welcome it with anxiety and all the emotional baggage it brings as I look for the way back to my world!
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